At first, let me consider the issue of respect from
a psychological perspective… So… a
nearly centrury ago an American psychologist, Abraham Harold Maslow created a theory called by his name
”Maslow’s hierarchy of needs”. The hierarchy is well known being portrayed in
the shape of a pyramid with the largest, most fundamental levels of
needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization at the top. It clearly shows that all human beings possess a need
to feel respected. This includes their need to have self-esteem and
self-respect.This indicates how the need of respect is important in order to
fulfill the people's overall emotional evaluation of their own worth as
self-esteem presents the typical human desire to be accepted and valued by
it’s often hard to express respect by actions and thousand times harder to do
it by words. But as far as we know how important it is to show respect in our
relationship, we should learn how to do it. According to famous relationship
mentor Sarah Elizabeth Malinak, respect is a way to men’s heart! She claims
that respect is a kind of the language of love that men are able to hear, feel
and respond, which has been scientifically proven. Her article on this subject
reflects to how a woman communicates respect to her man and shows 5 ways how to
express the respect to men every single day. At the same time she convinces us
that thanks those methods of expressing respect, we’ll notice that our men’s
expressed love for us will grow. Do you want to get to know the secret to
relationship success? I suppose that the answer is YES! OF COURSE WE DO! That’s
why I’ll quote her for you. Don’t be discouraged that it’s so long, it’s really
worth reading! Enjoy!
”One way to show him respect is to monitor how often you ask him to change in order toplease you and then cut that number in half if not all together. Many women, once theycatch a man’s romantic attention, get busy trying to change him. Once he is yours his“deficiencies” come to the surface. Perhaps he needs a better wardrobe, better manners,to spend either more or less time with the children, to help with the housework but to doit your way, to show more interest in your family, friends, or coworkers, etc. Women donot ask their girlfriends to change things about their personalities, behavior, or dress inorder to remain in relationship. Why do we do it with our men? Somehow we women perceive our men to be extensions of ourselves. We do this withour children too. We don’t do it with authority figures or girlfriends. A simple rule hereis if you catch yourself speaking to your husband (or children) with words or a tone youwould never use with your best girlfriend, take it back and start over with greater respect. A second and fun way to show your husband respect is to appreciate his sense of humor!In these recession news filled days, it is easy to be preoccupied with worry and stress. Itis also easy to take that worry and stress out on those we love the most. However, theworry and stress will not make the recession go away. When he is being funny, bepresent with him and laugh. If you can do it in a sincere way, laugh loud and hard.Enjoy his sense of humor, break up the tension, and communicate your appreciation andrespect of him with the healing art of laughter! An excellent way to show him respect is to stop gossiping about him! There is adifference between processing your marriage issues with one or two close girlfriends whohold you accountable for what you create in the marriage and bashing your man toeveryone who will listen. Bashing him to friends within his hearing as if you are beingcute and funny and it is all right with him doesn’t cut it either! Even if he tolerates it, thatis called emasculation and is the exact opposite of respect. Whether or not you treat your man with respect, your husband is the person you promisedto love and honor the most of anyone in your life. Hold to that promise; respect hisprivacy and his dignity when you speak of him. The fourth way to show your man respect is to show respect for his extended family.Depending on your relationship with them, this may be challenging. Perhaps his motheris interfering. Maybe his sister disrespects you and pops off condescending barbs whenever you have to be with her. It may be that at family gatherings, you look aroundat all of them and wonder how he turned out to be someone you could love! He did turnout to be someone you could love. His parents, the ones who drive you crazy, gave himlife. They and his siblings contributed more than anyone else in his life to making himthe man he is today. Without them, you would not have him. Show him respect byrespecting them. He will appreciate you for it – maybe even owe you for it! The fifth way to show your husband respect is to simply say it. “Honey, I respect youfor...” It is better to actually have a specific thing you respect him for, for a couple ofreasons. For one thing, he might ask why you respect him. In addition, when you make ahabit of respecting him for specific things, then those things add up; which means youropportunities to express respect add up! Telling him, “I respect you because…” is actually the most difficult way to show respect.The reason why is because it can feel as if when you tell him why you respect him, willhe think you did not respect him previously? You know how when a friend oracquaintance loses weight, you don’t know whether or not to say something? Because, ifyou say something you might reveal that you previously thought she was fat? Or ifsomeone you know gets a fantastic new hair cut, if you express too much enthusiasm,you fear she will think you didn’t like her previous hair do? Well, this is thatphenomenon! The thing to remember is that when you have lost weight, you love to hear other peopleobserve it! When you have a new hair do that makes you feel young and sexy, you likegetting confirmation that other people experience you that way! Well, when your mandoes something or has a way of being that makes you proud, he loves hearing about it!He wants to know you are proud of him, that you appreciate him, and respect him.Verbalized respect touches his heart in a way nothing else does. If you get busy showing your man greater and genuine respect, you will be rewarded.How you will be rewarded will depend on him and your history together. If you havebeen emasculating, it may take some work for you to get in touch with your genuinerespect as well as in the habit of expressing it. And it may take him some time to believeyou. If you have always respected him but just did not know how important it was toexpress it, you will probably reap instantaneous rewards!”
So... we have no other choice than put in into practice! Good luck! And to be completely serious, it's really hard to express our respect to beloved person even knowing all the recipes for that as for example those above. Anyway, it's worth to try better late than never...
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