
Saturday, 19 October 2013

Love equals understanding

„We are typical, nearly statistical marriage, we love each other so much but sometimes we quarrel”.  I’ve heard this statement repeated like a commonsense plenty of times. Although, it’s obvious that sometimes life gets a pace we are not able to catch up, and it’s impossible to avoid a quarrel, we as women have to keep in mind not to cross the border. Most off us have the experience of saying too much and know that once our soul is hurt there is no retreat. I’m not writing a broken heart but hurt soul, because I believe that in a real relationship there exists much more than just heart. 

I am not going to get you bored and write how to be wise and avoid a row. There is no recipe for life! However, once I’ve read something that I still have in my mind and cannot forget. I feel that every woman should think about it. I don’t remember the exact words but it was something like this:
’A real woman with character should create home that will be a cosy and pleasant place, where every man likes to be and can have a rest at’.
This forced me to stop for a while and made me think about it.  Am I a real woman with character? Am I able to create my home in such a way? I don’t know, everyone is good at making the same mistakes. However, I remember that I thought that I’ll try, because it makes a sense. Home should be such a place where you and your partner just feel good, the place to which everyone wants to come back, where everyone can feel safe and free. And this is a duty to be fulfilled by the real woman with character.

I personally think that it’s worth to think about it. It doesn’t mean of course that women should wait for their men with a dinner in a clean house ready to  fulfill every whim of their men! No! Don’t get it wrong! The statement above means that we, women should let our men to do what they want, to behave in a way they need and want, let them to feel good at their own home, without being constantly criticized for who they really are. Do you get it now? 

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